I would tell you about rated beer number 700, but I have been told that if one has nothing nice to say, one should say nothing at all.
Thus, I come to beer number 701: Brasserie McAuslan's seasonal St. Ambroise Citrouille (The Great Pumpkin Ale) which is brewed with wheat, cloves, and pumpkin (aside from the usual ingredients!).
Coming in at the standard 5% ABV, this beer pours an attractive copper-coloured body topped by a nice fizzy, audible, white head that diminishes fairly quickly with negligible lacing. It smells of sweet malt represented mostly by caramel, with a trace of spiciness and baking bread. Tastewise, it is mild for a pumpkin beer - that is the pumpkin isn't overpowering and I rather consider that a strength though some may call it a weakness. A faintly sweet, bready, roasty maltiness comes first before a spicy, peppery, and clove dominated middle that filters into an ever-so-faintly citrusy and pumpkin-y finish. It is fairly light bodied, yet sweetly tingly to the tongue and is (of only a few tried) easily my favourite beer in this seasonal style. That said, not only have I had few, but I prefer this mild pumpkin flavour to the stronger. If that too fits your style, grab a few of these while you can - and Happy Hallowe'en!
Coming soon (when working life allows), a belated dual review of some Eastern Townships brewpubs: Brasserie Dunham and Microbrasserie La Memphre!